After picking up As Luck Would Have It, I’ve been looking forward to seeing the sparring enemies Whittaker Cole, Earl of Thurston and Miss. Mirabelle Browning. These two have been fighting since they’ve been children. The arguments they have haven’t changed much since they’ve been children, as most of their arguments and fights are very funny. It never grows into something malice or bricking. It great to see how both come to see each other as more then just sparring enemies. Whit is the perfect gentleman, and only Mirabella can get under his skin, Whit tries to live down his father’s and family image, trying to gain trust and respect for his family’s name. Whit cares deeply for his family and those whom live under his care, even the imp Mirabella. Whit was a bundle of laugh from his thoughts to his actions; he could be charming and stubborn to just a sexy devil. Mirabella has lived under the shadow of her evil uncle and found peace at Whit’s home, and even with her sparring with Whit, has always felt welcome and loved there. Mirabella loves her friends and you start to see how alike Whit and Mirabella are to each other, both try to live down their family’s past and present embarrassments and both would move mountains for the ones they love. It was so sweet how Johnson showed Mirabella and Whit see their attraction to one another then later have them fall in love with each other. The sensual was on medium heat,but still yummy, and sensual. They still spar between one another but it’s more teasing between a loving couple then having any heat behind their words. Many of the characters in ALWHI make appearances yet again in TF, and some new characters also make the scene leaving some loose ends open for the next book. The pace of the book and story just grab you and read fast, there was a sort of filler toward the end that felt somewhat like ALWHI and kinda slowed the already fast paced book down . This was pretty much small beans to the overall enjoyment I had with the book.Overall: a wonderful addition to the wonderful series, with two funny and great leads, I look forward to more from this series.