Rane Aria

 Just reading ,crocheting, and enjoying naps

Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt

Mistress of Mellyn - Victoria Holt

 This happen to be one of those books with great writing that pulls one in, but not enough substance to truly make it shine. 

  For a Gothic romance it had the spooky house, strange happenings and the broody hero. That was about it. Most of the events were pretty much everyday things, with a few clues drops from time to time, but not enough to figure out what happen to the wife who all of a sudden- up and took off with the local man-hoe and then was killed. The clues that were dropped were far and few between.
  The romance was on the "meh" okay side. I didn't understand why Martha fell in love with Connan, and sorta understood why Connan fell for Martha even if it was sudden marry me! I love you!

  The surprise twist was the best part and made alot of sense, but again I would have liked a little bit more clues and maybe a bit more suspects. With Martha following the clues then worrying about Connan's mistress and if he loved her or not.

   It was a nice book to past the time with and great writing style that I may read more Holt in the future, we shall have to see.