Just reading ,crocheting, and enjoying naps
Of late I haven't been really reading, having my heart set of knitting gifts for my family and friends. My lovable family has already hinted what they wanted under the Christmas tree(in size,color, yarn and snitch BTW! Snitch! Cable and Ribbing! No less.. smh..)
I started somewhat late last year with a few easy projects.
Those early stages were tough, from cast off, knit, purl and bind-off. Not to mention deciding if your wanted to learn English or Continental style knitting.
But then, once you master these basics you start you really zoom through your knitting.
Like a Boss, your reading patterns, throwing out that new fancy stitch you've learned and hoarding your yarn of every weight and color like a squirrel getting ready for winter.
Don't get my started on that new project your really into and almost finished! Cause when your in the zone nothing can stop the knitting machine you've become.
While I still love my reading, knitting has become another relaxing escape for me when life gets a tad crazier. I go to a craft that I'm enjoying each day learning more about.